Our Stewardship
When you learn about a place, you grow to care about it; when you care about it, you want to see it protected.
This is at the heart of the Upper Merced River Watershed Council. Through education and partnership-based projects, we provide opportunities for people of all ages to learn about, engage, and become stewards of the Merced River and its watershed.
2021 WaterSMART Grant Completed
The Upper Merced River Watershed Council's Board of Directors is pleased to announce that its completion of the Bureau of Reclamation's 2021 WaterSmart Cooperative Watershed Management Program Phase 1 Grant.
Water Quality Monitoring
Ensuring water quality is an important Wild and Scenic River value. The Upper Merced River Watershed Council’s water quality monitoring program is a decades-long citizen science effort done in collaboration with federal agencies and nonprofit partners. Community volunteers participate in real scientific data collection to help monitor water quality along the Merced Wild and Scenic River.
Scholarship Program
The Watershed Council offers a scholarship to a Mariposa County graduating senior majoring in the sciences.
River Clean-Ups
Each year, the Watershed Council and local partners like the Sierra Nevada Alliance and Sierra Foothill Conservancy organize a volunteer events focused on removing trash and restoring the health of watersheds throughout the Sierra Nevada Region.