Merced River Alliance Project - Stillwater Science
Final Reports
Technical Memorandums
Channel and Floodplain Surveys of the Merced River Dredger Tailings (2004)
Sediment Transport Model of the Merced River Dredger Tailings Reach (2004)
Volume and Texture Analysis of the Merced River Dredger Tailings (2004)
Conceptual Restoration Design for the Merced River Ranch (2005)
Baseline Monitoring of the Merced River Dredger Tailings (2007)
Merced River Ranch Channel-Floodplain Restoration: Design Rationale (2007)
Instream Flow - Merced River Between Merced Falls Dam and Crocker-Huffman Diversion Dam. FERC Project 2179, Merced Irrigation District (2011)
Baseline Studies
Additional Research + Reports